Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

PM : Suspension distribution - 4FMT1059

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests 1.5


    ECTS 17.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To define the Process Engineering of Paper and Cardboard Manufacturing Processes in general called "paper and cardboard engineering".
  • To know the steps of the elementary operations in wet part (from the disintegration of the pulp, from the depastillage, to the so-called machine head circuits)
  • To understand the different elementary operations through physical processes
  • To determine the relevant control quantities for the paper engineer
  • To understand the steps of physical analysis of wet-end papermaking operations in the order in which they occur in the chain.
  • To understand the refining of the dough in low concentration taking into account the mass energy and refining intensity
  • To present the operations for cleaning the diluted pulp suspension (cycloning, screening and de-aeration of the pulp)
  • To know the transport function to understand the machine head circuits


Jean-Claude ROUX


To define and to analyze the Papermaking Engineering processes, the Semester S3 is mainly devoted to the wet part of the papermachine, from the pulp disintegration to the approach flow system. Our objectives are to analyse the elementary opérations by describing the physical processes, using knowledge model in order to determine the main variables to control the opération.

The content comprises the physical analysis of the papermaking operations in the wet part of the papermachine. It begins with the pulp disintegration, the pulp deflaking, then we study the pulp beating or refining in the low consistency regime. We pay importance to the specific energy consumption and the refining intensity. In a second part, we analyze the cleaning, the screening and the deaeretion of the pulp in diluted range in ordre to separate fibres fom impurities. The last part is devoted to the analysis of the transport function and to the approach flow system.


Knowledge in fluid mechanics and energetic could be a plus, all knowledge in physics are obviously a plus

Accessibility for people with disabilities : please contact us for further information


  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in Paper Sciences Level 1

1 only exam which applies on the all course, the documents are authorized.

note = note du DS


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 7
see the course schedule for 2022-2023

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FMT1059
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


PEEL J.D., SMOOK G.A. Paper science and paper manufacture. Vancouver : Bellingham : Angus Wilde publications, 1999.