Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Carbon balance - 6FMT1005

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 3.0


    ECTS 0.0


Awareness of energy issues in the future.
Knowledge of issues related to climate change.
Know the concepts of emission factor.
Have to use the calculator Bilan carbone on his personal behaviour.

Contact Agnes BOYER


Presentation of issues related to climate change and other fossil fuels stocks.
Population growth, individual consumption growth, the South want to meet the standards of living of the north countries.
Climate change: intensification of extreme weather events, hazards to biodiversity.
Carbon footprint as indicator of energy consumption, generating greenhouse gases responsible for climate change.
Method for determination of the emission factors and assumptions.
Using the spreadsheet method in a individual work.




Semester 7 - The exam is given in english only 

Calculation of the student carbon balance thanks to the official tool. Comparison to web calculators.
Individual home work.

Note de devoir à la maison arrivant en bonus de 0 à 1 point sur la note d'analyse de cycle de vie

Additional Information

Semester 7 - This course is given in english only EN

Curriculum->PostMaster Biorefinery->Semester 7



Websites dealing with carbonfootprint