Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Modélisation thermodynamique d'une bioraffinerie - 6FMT1030

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 3.0
    • Projet 6.0
    • TD -
    • Stage -
    • TP -
    • DS -

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 1.0


The basics of thermodynamic modeling in a biorefinery mill. Equipment and machines, fuels, cycles calculation methods, overal balances and cycles modeling.


Bastien MICHEL


Input, output and energy balances in a biorefinery mill. The Rankine and Brayton cycles, their principles and applications in a biorefinery mill. These cycles and the related equipments and machines are presented and discussed, with their different steps and the different options for cycle modification and improvement, and cycles inter-relations. Calculations of cycles efficiencies are detailed and the practicals sessions are done using EXCEL. A final chapter is devoted to the calculations of fuel combustion temperatures in burners and furnaces.


The basis of the Thermodynamics class at Bachelor level: thermodynamic variables, state functions, energy and entropy, steady-state balances, thermodynamic cycles, The Carnot Cycle, thermodynamic machines.

Contrôle des connaissances

    Grading is based on the Project evaluation. The Project is done under EXCEL during the practical class, and completed at home. The deliverable is a Project Report and the EXCEL sheet produced related to the Project report, produced by each student. It cannot give rise to a 2nd session of evaluation.

    Grading the Project Report and the practical class attendence and participation. Grading is individual for each student.


    Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :

    Informations complémentaires

    Code de l'enseignement : 6FMT1030
    Langue(s) d'enseignement : FR

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