Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
ECTS 20.0
Learning outcomes :
- To understand the theories of analytical methods: spectroscopic methods (UV-Vis), electrochemical methods (potentiometry, conductivity, polarography, amperometry, coulometry)
- To be familiar with chromatographic techniques (GC, LC, SEC, SEC, IC, chromatography-mass spectrometry coupling).
- To know paper and water chemistry applications: paper dosages, water dosing (hardness, alkalinity, calco-carbon balance, others...), polymer and material analysis.
Nathalie MARLIN
Analytical chemistry general lecture - Undergraduate level (L3)
Theory and practice of analytical methods: calculation, solving problems
Cited applications: water and effluents, wood, pulp and papers, lignocelluloses, materials and polymers.
Aqueous solutions: review of fundamentals (pH, oxidation-reduction, complexometry), application to various calculation, titrations calculation.
Ultra-violet, visible and infrared spectrometry: review of fundamentals and various applications
Electrochemical methods for titration (potentiometry, conductometry, polarography, amperometry, coulometry)
Chromatograpic methods (GC, HPLC, SEC, IC); mass-spectrometry coupling
Applications: paper chemistry, water chemistry (water hardness and alkalinity, calco-carbonic equilibria, others ...), analysis of polymers and materials.
Fundamentals in general chemistry
Chemistry of aqueous solutions
written exam 1h30.
One double-sided A4 sheet of paper prepared by the student allowed, calculator allowed, cell phone forbidden.
Downgraded learning conditions:
Grading of an individual assignment to be completed remotely. No time limit on the assignment. The teacher sets a due date for the assignment, to be submitted as a pdf file in Chamilo.
note de l'examen écrit + devoirs à la maison (10%)
grade of the written exam + homeworks (10%)
The exam may be taken in french or in english
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 6
- Curriculum - Master Bio2 - Semester 6
Course ID : 3FME1044
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Environmental security
Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS
Ouvrages généraux et thématiquement spécialisés de chimie analytique en français et en anglais.
General and specialized books/handbooks on the topics of general chemistry and analytical chemistry