
Internships: preparation for professional life

Internships: matching competencies with professional needs

Internships can be carried out in a company or research center, in France or abroad.

1st year (Bachelor Level)

Worker internship
6 weeks
Mid-June to August

Understand the company's structure, become familiar with production processes and resources, and grasp the reality of working conditions.

2nd year (Master 1 Level)

Assistant engineer internship
8 weeks

Mid-June to Septembre

Enable students to work in a professional situation with a precise operational and/or functional mission. Discover the tasks of an engineer through active integration in a team.

3rd year (Master 2 Level)

Final-year project
5 months

February to June

Manage a scientific and technical project in a professional context. Use the competencies and knownledge acquired and illustrate the skills required for the diploma.

Send us your internship offers here

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Grenoble INP-Pagora reserves the right to remove any offer that does not correspond to the profiles of students from its training courses.

To know more about internships