Pagora rubrique Ecole 2022

Quality, Safety, Environment & Qualiopi Certifications

The school's Quality, Quality, Safety and Environment approach

Grenoble INP - Pagora and the LGP2 laboratory are “Quality, Safety and Environment” certified (ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001). The organization strives to increase the satisfaction of users and partners, as well as to control and reduce the risks and environmental impact of their activities. Grenoble INP - Pagora is the only graduate school of engineering in France to hold this triple certification. This certification is essential to the sustainable development of the school and the laboratory, in line with the school’s areas of focus and its ambition to train socially responsible graduates.


Key dates

2023 - Renew of QSE certification.
2021 - Certification Qualiopi (for the CFA Agefpi and continuous training)
2020 - Renewal of QSE certification (ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification) and ISO 45001:2018 certification.
2017 - Renewal of QSE certification.
2014 - Renewal of QSE certification.
2011 - Renewal of ISO 9001-2008 certification. ISO 14001-2004 and BS-OSHAS 18001-2007 certification.
2005 - ISO 9001 certification.
2003 - Grenoble INP-Pagora and LGP2 are committed to a process of continuous improvement in order to increase customer satisfaction:
  • candidate and current students;
  • industrialists who hire graduates or employ students for internships;
  • manufacturers or organizations that finance LGP2 research activities.

Certificates of registration and compliance