Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Biorefinery processes : sugars & fibers - 4FME3063

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 1.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 32.0


    ECTS 50.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To implement different biorefinery processes: sugar hydrolysis, delignification, de-inking
  • To analyze wood and celluloses produced by processes (biorefinery, deinking)
  • To know the properties of the celluloses produced: degree of polymerization, whiteness, morphological and physical characteristics of cellulose fibres, quantification of residual lignin, quantification of residual ink
  • To make material balances on the different plant biomasses and on the material flows in the different processes
  • To understand the valorization of sugars and celluloses and the design of integrated biorefineries




Concrete discovery of the integrated biorefinery through the realization of experiments in the laboratory (implementation of processes and characterization of the fibres and bioproducts obtained)

  • implementation of various biorefinery processes: sugar hydrolysis, delignification, de-inking
  • analysis of monomeric and oligomeric sugars
  • characterization of the celluloses produced: degree of polymerization, whiteness, morphological and physical characteristics of cellulose fibres, quantification of residual lignin
  • carrying out material balances on the various plant biomasses
  • reflections on the valorization of sugars and celluloses and on the design of integrated biorefineries

Session 1: Presentation of the option
Session 2: Conifer prehydrolysis; recovery of pre-hydrolyzed wood and hydrolysis filtrates
Session 3: cooking soda from prehydrolyzed wood and drinking non-prehydrolyzed wood; dosing of white liquor
Session 4: Recovery of unbleached fibres and black liquor; yield, factor H, AE,...
Session 5: Deinking kinetics; recovery of foams and fibres
Session 6: Morphological and physical characterization of fibres resulting from cooking, with or without wood prehydrolysis, fibres resulting from deinking, foams resulting from deinking

Session 7: Secondary hydrolysis of hydrolysis filtrates and hydrolysis of deinking output fibres for sugar analysis (the analysis of sugars on the pre-hydrolysis filtrate, on the secondary hydrolysis filtrate and on the deinked fibre hydrolysis filtrate will be carried out by the BIOCHIP team and the results communicated to the Etu)

Session 8: Kappa index and holocelluloses of the two pasta after cooking
Session 9: Following fibre characterization, with the addition of the two bleached pulps (holocellulose output)
Session 10: degree of viscosimetric polymerization of cellulose on the two baking output pastes
Session 11: Continuation and end of fibre characterization


Plant biomass chemistry course (Pagora 1st year, S5)
Biorefinery-bioproducts course (Pagora 2nd year, S7)
Recovery cellulosic fibre course (Pagora 2nd year, S7)
Cellulosic pulp manufacturing engineering course (Pagora 2nd year, S7)
Courses and TP in paper physics (Pagora 2nd year, S7)
Microscopy course applied to the study of biomaterials (Pagora 1st year, S5)


  • Specific credits: this course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in
  • Specific credits: this course brings 3.0 ECTS to students in Paper Sciences Level 2
  • 1 interim reports: presentation of interim results and operation
  • 1 final report (45%): presentation of the project, results exploited, materials and methods used, conclusions, perspectives and reflections on the valorization of sugars and celluloses and on the design of integrated biorefineries
  • individual oral examination (30%)
  • work performed during the practical session (25%)
    Not catchable

Notation : 50% pour le devoir surveillé, 50% pour le rapport final


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - - Semester 8

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FME3063
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Cadre général des TP en laboratoire de chimie et en local industriel contenant des appareils pilotes (blouse, chaussures de sécurité et jambes couvertes)


Cours Pagora
Articles et ouvrages spécialisés (procédés de cuisson et d'extraction dans le cadre des bioraffineries lignocellulosiques)