Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Master Thesis - WFME3026

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 30.0


The End of Studies Project is the culmination of the initial training. During this predominantly technical and scientific work, the student must be able to apply his or her knowledge and skills to work in a professional context. From 4 to 6 months (no longer than 924 hours), the project must begin at the end of semester 9, in February, except in exceptional and motivated cases (double diplomas in particular).




Personal project of a technical and scientific nature. The provisions concerning deliverables and deliverables are as follows:

It must be printed in 6 copies:

  • 4 copies of the manuscript will be submitted to the school before the date specified in the pedagogical calendar published on the intranet the end of June for students, towards the end of August for apprentices). The manuscripts will then be distributed by the school to each member of the jury, the rapporteur and the school tutor.
  • 1 copy of the PFE manuscript for the company.
  • 1 copy of the PFE manuscript for the student.
    1 copy of the manuscript of PFE in electronic format (PDF) must be deposited on Chamillo in the dedicated space. Confidential PFE's will be deposited in the "Confidential PFE" folder.

FORM: the report will be presented stapled and without transparent cover or cardboard and printed on both sides. Colour is also to be avoided unless the subject dictates otherwise. Use standard fonts (Calibri, Times, Arial...) in 11 point size, line spacing 1.15.
The manuscript of about 40 pages (plus possible appendices) must include, in addition to the description of the project:

  • a standard cover page to be downloaded from the intranet: Section [Formation \ Documents or PFE] or on chamilo.
  • a back page with a 10-line abstract and 3-6 key words on the back cover (in English and French).

For "confidential" manuscripts, it is essential to mention it on the cover page at the top right.

EVALUATION OF THE REPORT: a rapporteur, designated by the Director of Studies in consultation with the Heads of Options, examines the manuscript to evaluate the quality of the presentation (structuring, conciseness, clarity, bibliography...) according to FOR-628-RF and proposes a mark from 0 to 20. Each jury president will be in charge of collecting and approving the notes of the rapporteurs in consultation with the other jury members. The grade validated by the jury will be transmitted to the school at the end of the oral exams.

WARNING: for a mailing, it is imperative that the manuscript and the poster are received before the deadline in school: the late submission of the manuscript and the poster will automatically result in a grade of "0" by the reporter. Moreover, no defense can take place if the report and the poster are not returned at least 48 hours (excluding weekends) before the defense.

Presentation of 20 minutes of the project in front of a jury in the presence of the educational tutor and the industrial tutor if the latter can travel.
The presentation will be followed by 20 to 30 minutes of questions. The industrial tutor will be consulted in order to inform the jury of any problems that the student may have encountered and which may have hindered the completion of quality work.
The student will be evaluated according to the MAPI reference, method, analysis, pedagogy, initiative by the members of the jury.
The marks of the different juries can be harmonised at the end of the whole of the defenses.


The evaluation of the PFE takes into account the following criteria :

  • the student's involvement: grade given by the teacher in charge of the project, after consultation with the industrial tutor or apprentice teacher
  • For apprentices only, mid-term (May) assessment of work: the apprentice submits a report of at least 3 pages and formally presents his/her progress to the tutor who assesses the work, its quality and makes any comments that may lead the pupil to complete certain points.
  • the form of the report (spelling, outline, captions, units, etc.) and the quality of the poster
  • Oral presentation before a university jury (presentation to which the industrial tutor or apprentice master is invited). The jury evaluates the technical quality of the work done, the methodology used, the mastery of the subject and the relevance of the answers, the quality of the presentation. (the technical content of the report is therefore of great importance in this evaluation).

Can only be taken into account in a new report or a new defense.

note = 35% tuteur ; 15% rapport; 50% soutenance finale
Mark: 35% student’s level of involvement ; 15% report’s form ; 50% oral presentation


The course exists in the following branches:

Additional Information

Course ID : WFME3026
Course language(s): FR

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