Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
ECTS 35.0
Learning outcomes :
- To know some basic theoretical elements of the Mechanics of Continuous Media (Stress vector - Stress state - Main constraints)
- To know the mechanical properties of common metallic materials (yield strength, Young's modulus, Poisson's coefficient, shear modulus)
- To know the general hypotheses of the RoW (on the material, on the geometry of the parts studied, Navier - Bernoulli, on deformations, Saint-Venant Bar principle)
- To know the simple stresses of material strength: tensile/compressive, shear, torsion (in each case, stress calculation, practical operating constraints, Hooke's law, deformations, hyperstatic cases)
- To know the bending stresses of material strength: shear force, bending moment, normal and shear stresses, equation of deformation.
- To know the stresses composed of the resistance of the materials
- To know the definitions and calculate the static and quadratic moments of a surface with respect to an axis.
Study of the elementary stresses of Material Resistance.
Acquisition of some basic notions of Continuous Media Mechanics.
Knowledge of the mechanical properties of common metallic materials.
Resistance of Materials :
- Presentation and objectives
- RoW Assumptions - Links
- Study of simple stresses: tension/compression, shear, torsion. In each case, calculation of stresses, practical constraints of use, Hooke's law, deformations, hyperstatic cases.
- Surface moments
- Bending stress: shear force, bending moment, normal and shear stresses, equation of deformation, hyperstatic cases
- Compound Solicitations
Fundamentals of Continuous Mechanics:
- Constrained vector - State of constraint - Main constraints
Solid mechanics
Session 1 et 2 en version présentielle :
Note = Max [((Moyenne des notes de CC Coef 1 + Note DS Coef 3)/4 ; Note DS]
Session 1 et 2 en version confinée :
Note = Max [((Moyenne des notes de CC Coef 1 + Note Devoir Coef 2 + QCM final coef 1 )/4 ; (Note DS coef 2 + QCM final coef 1)/3 ]
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 5
Course ID : 3FME1021
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Environmental security
Rien de particulier concernant le déroulement du cours : Salle de cours standard
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS
BAZERGUI A., BUI-QUOC T., BIRON A., MC INTYRE G., LABERGE C. Résistance des matériaux. Montréal : Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2002.
HENRY J.P., PARSY F.Cours d'élasticité. Paris : Dunod, 1988.