Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Networks - 4FMT1101

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 3.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 14.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To know the physical topologies of computer networks and the media currently in use.
  • To understand the operation of Ethernet level 2 available in local networks: know how to decode a MAC address (switch from binary to hexadecimal), understand how a switch works, understand VLANs (standards 802.1d, 802.1 Q, etc).
  • To decode and manipulate IP addresses and subnet mask (switch from binary to decimal). To determine the essential parameters for the proper functioning of a workstation (address, mask, router, dns name server).
  • To understand the concept of level 3 routing and its protocols. To address the design of IPv4 addressing plans, integrate the problem of IP v4 address shortage, and introduce Ipv6.
  • To understand the main characteristics of layers 4 (UDP/TCP) used in the Internet by the most common applications (http web client, messaging, file transfer etc).




To understand the networks and set up networks.

Understand the global functioning of the different levels of networks that make up today's Internet: domestic and corporate local networks, metropolitan networks and long-distance networks. Understand the layered system, protocols and their important components based on the ISO Open System Interconnection (OSI) model.
More specifically, the course will provide an introduction to architecture and will cover the main protocols used today.

Physical levels
Logical levels
IP and routing
Data transmission
Special case: Netbios
Examples of applications


No prerequisite

Accessibility for people with disabilities : please contact us for further information


  • Specific credits: this course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in Digital Printing and Printed electronic

A written exam: 1h30
Practical work report

Le poids global dans l'UE est de 33%


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - - Semester 8

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FMT1101
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS