Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period year 1 - Company Assessment & monitoring - 3FME3096

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 30.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To discover the functioning and structure of the company,
  • To understand the processes and means of production from the practical and field point of view,
  • To understand the reality of workers' work
  • To think about the relationships between staff and their supervisors,
  • To work in safety,
  • To identify a company policy towards sustainable development.
  • To write a training report in accordance with a set of specifications
  • To present your internship orally according to a set of specifications
  • To set about a self-assessment competency assessment


Jocelyne ROUIS


The training period takes place in the summer between 1A and 2A
It lasts at least 6 weeks
Objectives : discovering of an industrial plant and some jobs within this plant

The first year internship (or "workers' internship") aims to introduce students to the life of a company. Through activities at the operator level, this period aims to acquire knowledge and develop skills.

The transversal skills worked during this internship are listed in the appendix and allow students to position themselves in relation to the work requested.
This internship must be done in a company in the paper, printing, processing or biomaterials sectors. The duration of the internship is set at a minimum of 6 weeks. The first year internship must be completed, if applicable, before a possible break year.


Grade 1 Teaching

Accessibility for people with disabilities : depends on means and possibilities that exist within the company / to be considered individually and by considering the context existing in the company


The Training period is evaluated thanks to the intermediate reports, final report, Oral Defense, evaluation form completed by the person in charge in the company (FOR-614-RF).
All the details are in MOP-635-RF.
All the documents have to be put on Chamilo "Pagora A1-stage ouvrier".
No second session on the training period

Evaluation in accordance with operating procedure MOP-635-RF, which describes all the expected results and their participation in the awarding of the mark. The requested deliverables will be noted: intermediate reports, final report, oral presentation, evaluation by the company.

All deliverables must be deposited on Chamilo in the works of the activity "Pagora A1-worker internship".

You must also submit the internship report and the internship evaluation form (FOR-614-RF) IN PAPER VERSION, both endorsed by your internship supervisor in the host company, to the school no later than the date indicated in the pedagogical calendar of the damaged dates of the current academic year.

Only the report is catchable.

If the competency assessment is not carried out with the supervisor, the internship is not validated.

Délais de rendu des livrables - date de dépôt sous CHAMILO faisant foi par rapport à la date de début de stage figurant sur la convention.
Chaque livrable rendu en retard verra la note de SUIVI diminuée de 1 point par semaine de retard.

Formulaire FOR-614-RF permet de mettre la note du tuteur entreprise pour le stage.

Non rattrapable


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 6

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FME3096
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

En entreprise, les apprentis respectent les consignes QSE en vigueur