Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period year 2: Company Assessment & monitoring - 4FME3017

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 15.0


Collect the opinion of the industrial tutor on the student who has completed a placement under his/her responsibility and follow up the reports during the placement.
Monitor the intermediate reports submitted by the students in accordance with MOP-612-RF.


Jocelyne ROUIS


Form FOR-614-RF to be sent to the school by the company or by the student at the end of the internship and before the exam. The form allows the company tutor's note for the internship to be entered.

Deadlines for deliverables L1 to L5 (MOP-612-RF for details) :
L1: day of arrival naming it : NAME_FOR-611-Contact-course2E
L2: after 1 week of internship by naming it : NAME_L2-Trainee2E and NAME_FOR-611-Security
L3: after 5 weeks of training by naming it : NAME_L3-Stage2E
L4, L5, FOR-614-RF: 1 week after the end of the internship by naming them : NAME_L4-stage2E, NAME_L5-BC, NAME_FOR-614

Content of the deliverables :
Deliverable 1: Updated contact sheet providing the contact details of the company tutor (1st page of form FOR-611-RF, which is attached to the agreement or can be downloaded from chamilo).

Deliverable 2 :

  • Complete safety form (FOR-611-RF) which attests to the safety reception in the company.
  • Report (5 to 10 pages maximum) presenting the company (non-exhaustive suggestions):
    1. What is the organisation, what are the processes used, what are the products marketed, what are the particularities of the organisation.
      This part should enable the marker to understand the company, its context and its challenges.
    2. Detailed description of the department in which the internship is carried out.
      This part will be included in annex 1 of the final report.
  • Present the project proposed during the internship and the action plan planned upon arrival. A project sheet may be drawn up.

Deliverable 3: 5 to 10 pages maximum

PART 1 transversal: discovery of the functioning of a company (5 pages maximum)

  • Describe how the company integrates Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (CSR) aspects into its daily operations: an interview with the quality and/or environment and/or safety manager(s) and/or site manager(s) should enable the company's actions to be presented. Examples of themes that could be addressed:
    1. Waste management, water management, energy management, raw materials management, purchasing...
    2. Working conditions: is there a CES, what is its role?
    3. Staff assistance: does it exist? lunch vouchers, works council, company canteen, transport allowances, health insurance, etc.
  • Describe the company's human resources policy: what are the hiring practices (permanent, fixed-term, temporary)? what are the reasons for this policy? is there a professional training plan? how is it implemented?
    Propose an analysis of the situation encountered in relation to the size of the company, for example, or its sector of activity. Identify 1 or 2 good practices.
    This part will be included in annex 2 of the final report.

PART 2 Technical (5 pages)

  • Progress of the course: present the results already achieved and the forecasts for the end of the course.


  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in UE IV: training period
  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in
  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in

Hand in deliverables: comply with the instructions in MOP-612-RF.

For each late deliverable, the final mark will be reduced by one penalty point per week of delay.

Moyenne des appréciations tuteur : TS=17, S=13, I=7, TI=3
1 point en moins par semaine de retard des livrables sur la note finale de stage.

Average tutor assessment: TS=17, S=13, I=7, TI=3
1 point less per week of late deliverables on the final course mark.


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 8

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FME3017
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Formulaire de sécurité des stagiaires demandé à l'entreprise pour s'assurer que les missions confiées sont conformes à la réglementation en termes de santé&sécurité au travail

Dépôt sur une plateforme plutôt qu'envoi par mail.