Pagora rubrique Vie étudiante 2022

Student activities

Student life at the gateway to the Alps

Located 15 minutes from Grenoble city center, the university campus offers a privileged living environment. With a variety of sports facilities and a rich community life, thanks to a large number of students associations within the schools of Grenoble INP - UGA and Université Grenoble Alpes, it offers many opportunities to get involved, practice different activities and make exciting encounters.

At Grenoble INP - Pagora, student life is marked by the following events: 

Integration weeks and weekends

Welcoming 1st-year students in a relaxed and festive atmosphere: a well-established tradition at Grenoble INP-Pagora! At the start of the school year and over a weekend, 2nd and 3rd year students organize a wide range of events and parties to suit all tastes.

The Ol'INPiades

Every October, under the impulse of Grenoble INP's student office, the Grand Cercle, all Grenoble INP schools gather on campus to compete in various tournaments. From sports competitions to choreography and the design of a float, all students take part and defend their school's colors.

Grenoble INP Gala

On the same weekend as the graduation ceremonies, the Grand Cercle organizes the Grenoble INP Gala. During the evening, the previous year's graduates and students get together to celebrate and party.

Rugby game and barbecue

At the start of summer, students, alumni, teachers, researchers and school staff take to the field in a friendly rugby match, then gather in the early evening for the traditional barbecue.