Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Activities within the company - 3FMA3052

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 35.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To make a formal review of the integration into the company after about 2 months
  • To highlight the key points of the future career path (professional and personal career path)
  • To position yourself in relation to the context of the career path that starts in a company


Frederic MUNOZ


At the beginning of the contract, apprentices are not experienced but have technical knowledge.
The objectives are :

  • to integrate apprentices in the company
  • to give self trust and have them known by other employees
  • to give them a global view of the company (vs only technical view)

Apprentices have to deal with globally oriented-missions (for ex : mission concerning safety, working-place organization,, training ...)

This activity tales place in the company ; the mission is given by the company.


General knowledge
technical and scientific culture (skill L2)

Accessibility for people with disabilities : depends on means and possibilities that exist within the company / to be considered individually and by considering the context existing in the company


The evaluation shall cover the report submitted

Criteria: MAPI grid (method / analysis / pedagogy, communication / initiative, innovation)

Evaluation by the Head of the Engineering FMU

Penalties in the event of non-compliance with the specifications

IMPORTANT: upon his return to Pagora in January, the apprentice must meet his tutor-school and achieve a positioning in relation to the skills reference frame. Proof of this positioning must be provided in the Appendix to the astonishment report. Failure to comply with this instruction results in the non-validation of the entire activity and the return to session 2
NB: The proof can be a copy certified by the tutor, a word signed by the tutor, a copy of a synthesis screen signed by the tutor...

How to proceed:
The student looks at the criterated grid corresponding to his period under Chamilo

Then the student proposes the traces and arguments
The student presents his work to his supervisor during an interview
The supervisor validates or reassesses the levels achieved of the skills worked
The supervisor fills in the Excel file for the school follow-up

Note : note du rapport

à prendre en compte :

  • pénalité en cas de non respect des consignes (ex : retard dans la remise du document).
  • pénalité de 10% si le bilan "compétence" n'est pas envoyé avant la fin de la période école concernée


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 5

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FMA3052
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Respect des règles QSE en vigueur dans l'entreprise