Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

APP-Printing deffects - 5FMT1003

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 22.0


Learning Outcomes :

  • Conduct (and participate in) a scientific discussion;
  • Define a series of tests to characterize a print defect;
  • Develop hypotheses based on the analysis of a sample;
  • Establish a diagnosis on a product with printing defects;
  • Write an expert report presenting hypotheses and possible solutions.




This teaching is given in the form of problem-based learning.
3 phases of work :

  • Literature search and application of the 5M method to select the tests to be performed. Development of hypotheses.
  • Preparation and participation in the scientific debate to agree on the origin of the defect.
  • Writing of a report on the defect expertise.
    Deliverables are requested at each step of the PBL and constitute the main part of the final report.

Depending on the health constraints in force, the sessions (including the scientific debate) may be held remotely.


  • Knowledge of processes (paper, printing and converting) and equipment, materials (papers, inks, etc.), and the corresponding technical English.
  • Mastery of bibliographic research tools.
  • Understanding of English.

Accessibility for people with disabilities: consult us


  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.5 ECTS to students in Print sciences processes & materials

The course is taught in French.

The evaluation is composed of 2 parts forming a score out of 20 :

  • Participation of the group and its members in the scientific debate (Oral) / 10 points
  • Writing of the summary document, including the description of the defect, the 5M method, the argument for the choice of tests to be carried out, the details of a test protocol and the position in relation to the arguments brought during the debate phase. The document is submitted to the teacher in paper format and in digital format (deposit on the Chamilo platform) before a deadline / 10 points. Note: each deliverable is evaluated: the average of these evaluations represents 50% of the grade for the summary report.

Subject can be made up in case of justified prolonged absence.

  • Participation du groupe au débat scientifique (Oral) / 6 points
  • Rédaction du document de synthèse / 12 points
  • Participation individuelle / 2 points.
  • Participation of the group in the scientific debate (Oral) / 6 points
  • Writing of the summary document / 12 points
  • Individual participation / 2 points.


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 9
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 9
  • Curriculum - - Semester 9

Additional Information

Course ID : 5FMT1003
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Les consignes relatives à la sécurité et à l'environnement sont évoquées en tant que de besoin. Les enseignements ont lieu dans des salles de cours ou des salles informatiques.
Penser à éteindre ordinateurs et lumières en quittant la salle.

Safety and environmental constraints are mentioned when appropriate. Teaching takes place in classrooms.
Turn off computers and lights when leaving the classroom or computer room.
