Number of hours
- Lectures 3.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
ECTS 30.0
Be able to automate prepress tasks
Manage an automation project
Use the different Adobe applications for automation.
Understanding the role of prepress integrator
Prepress automation
Automation in Acrobat (Actions, batch processing), examples in Acrobat
Automation in InDesign, examples in InDesign (Visual Studio Code)
DOM to organize objects
Tutorials 1: Auto calculation. In Acrobat, Sort by name, by size, business card with Imposition
Tutorials 2: Automation in InDesign – automatic creation of a color test shape, creation of text blocks taking into account width, variable data with Photoshop
Create test shapes automatically with Visual Code Studio + InDesign.
Create automatic imposition with InDesign for a booklet (à imprimer sur du SRA3).
Create an image with variable data with Visual Code Studio + Photoshop. (à partir d’un fichier Texte ou JSON).
Create variable data documents in InDesign.
Create business cards automatically from an XML file with Acrobat.
Create a script to compensate for hunting with Visual Code Studio + InDesign.
Create a dithering algorithm for Photoshop.
Standard outline of the report to be provided (impersonal scientific form)
State of the art: Bibliography, webography...
Materials and methods
Different languages (JS, html, xml, etc.)
- Specific credits: this course brings 2.0 ECTS to students in
In session 1:
- Evaluation of the work produced on a report and a defense
State of the art: Bibliography, webography...
Materials and methods
Oral defense
20 min per group with a demonstration during the last 5 minutes.
In session 2 or in degraded mode:
- Evaluation of the knowledge acquired by a written exam
2/3 tiers : Oral
1/3 tiers : Rapport
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 8
- Curriculum - - Semester 8
Course ID : 4FME1111
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Environmental security
Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS