Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Energy science and recovering - 3FME1026

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 19.5
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 3.0


    ECTS 21.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To know the theories of heat transfer processes (heat balance, diffusion, convection, radiations, dimensionless numbers,...) and their application to physical and industrial systems
  • To know single-phase heat exchangers and their sizing
  • To calculate thermal conduction transfers
  • To calculate radiation transfers
  • To calculate convection transfers
  • To calculate transfers with phase change (boiling, condensation)
  • To solve simple and moderately complex transfer problems involving 1 to several of the 3 mechanisms, involving transfers in different media and superposed layers
  • To calculate heat flows in monofluid heat exchangers (co-current, counter-current and cross-flow)
  • To size and optimize a typical heat exchanger for hot water energy recovery (optimization by Solver, drawing of operating charts)




Basic knowledge on heat transfer : phenomenon, equations, DTLM method
Rankine cycle, CHP techniques

to learn how to size heat-exchangers (for energy savings in particular)

to get general knowledge on energy converting system such as CHP (combined heat and power production)


basic knowledge in thermodynamics


written exam
the exam can be recovered in 2nd round

note cours = note du DS
note TP = note du rapport de synthèse


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Master Bio2 - Semester 6
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 6

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FME1026
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS


SONNTAG R.E., VAN WYLEN G.J. Fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics. New York : Wiley, 1966
INCROPERA F.P., DE WITT D.P. Fundamentals of heat and mass tranfer. 6e édition. New York : Wiley, 2007