Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Fibre-biomaterials-Print industry fundamentals - 3FMT2031

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 21.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 1.5
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 37.0


1) intro IFB (Fiber and biomaterials engineering)
Position renewable resources in the current industrial and societal context

Learning outcomes:

  • Position renewable resources in the current industrial and societal context
  • Know and understand the fundamentals of biomaterials
  • Know and understand the broad outlines of the paper industry and its essential principles
  • Know the benchmarks, the key figures and the vocabulary
  • (Begin to) situate themselves in this professional context

2) Intro to ICI (printed communication engineering)/IFB

Learning outcomes:

  • Know the graphic chain and the printing processes and to understand their links with the upstream (manufacture of the supports) and the downstream (their transformation);
  • Acquire a good vision of the professional sector of printed communication (markets) and converted products (corrugated board, packaging, bags, tubes);
  • Recognize which printing process was used to produce a printed product;
  • Use a densitometer.
  • Know the transformation processes related to the sectors of flat and corrugated cardboard packaging: obtaining cardboard, cutting, creasing, folding, gluing;
  • Know the transformation processes related to the manufacture of bags and tubes


Julien BRAS, Bernard PINEAUX, Frederic MUNOZ, Isabelle DESLOGES, Nadege REVERDY-BRUAS, Christine CHIRAT


1) Intro IFB
Presentations on the following topics:
Concept of Biorefinery
Essential principles of biomaterials
Pulp manufacturing.
Recycled fibers
Paper process

2) Intro ICI
A. The graphic workflow - Elements of image processing.
B. Brief description of the main printing processes (offset, gravure, flexography, letterpress, inkjet, electrophotography)
C. The printed communication sector (figures, markets)
D. Flat and corrugated boards (raw materials and processes)
E. Forming (cutting, creasing, folding, gluing)
F. Manufacturing processes for bags and tubes
Depending on the time available, a quiz is proposed to evaluate the understanding of the concepts covered.

Three practical exercises complete this teaching: characterization of printing processes from printed documents; densitometric exploitation of printed documents; design and production of a packaging.


Guided work : it aims at reviewing the key points before the written examination. The teachers supervise a question-and-answer session


General scientific culture (bac+2 level)
This course is intended for students new to the sector

Accessibility for people with disabilities: consult us


The course is evaluated by a supervised examination.
Short questions related to the course.

Authorized document: 1 sheet of A4 paper, double-sided, handwritten and nominative, common to all courses
Subjects can be made up in case of justified absence.

In the event of health constraints, the exam will take place remotely; it will be an online multiple choice questionnaire.

note = note du DS
The grade is that of the examination


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 5 (this course may be followed in french or in english)
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 5 (this course may be followed in french or in english)

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FMT2031
Course language(s): FR FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Les consignes relatives à la sécurité et à l'environnement sont évoquées en tant que de besoin. Les enseignements ont lieu dans des salles de cours ou des salles informatiques.
Penser à éteindre ordinateurs et lumières en quittant la salle.
The lessons take place in classrooms and laboratories. Safety and environmental instructions are mentioned as needed and may differ from one lab session to another (wearing of PPE, authorized work areas, etc.)
Also remember to turn off the lights and any equipment (according to current regulations) when leaving the rooms.


Cours, exercices et TD accessibles en ligne sur Chamilo

LEACH R. [et al.] The printing ink manual. London : New York : Blueprint, 1993
KIPPHAN H. Handbook of print media: Technologies and production methods. Berlin : Springer, 2001

Données économiques / economic data de l' UNIIC / from the UNIIC ( ) et de l'IDEP / and the IDEP (

Magazine Caractère (

Certains éléments bibliographiques sont disponibles sur le site Internet Chamilo / some bibliographic elements are available on the Chamilo Web site :