Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Recycled fibres - 4FMT1053

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 18.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 30.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To know the issues and statistics related to paper and cardboard recycling
  • To distinguish between the different types of paper and cardboard collected
  • To know the different unit operations used in recycling lines
  • To explain the design of the various existing recycling lines
  • To know the methods of characterization of fibres during recycling for the analysis of the performance of recycling processes


Nathalie MARLIN


To acquire the basic knowledge in recycled cellulosic fibre process

  • Basic statistics (cellulosic fibres and other materials)
  • Legislation for the use of recyclable fibres
  • Recovered paper grades
  • Unit operation for recovered cellulosic fibres processes
  • Flotation mechanism (de-inking)
  • Recycling fibre processes for different paper and board grades
  • Contaminants
  • Quality controles of recycling
  • Papermaking potential of recycled fibres
  • The limits of paper recycling

Targeted skills : to know processes to pilote it


Training of papermaking sciences

Accessibility for people with disabilities : please contact us for further information


  • Specific credits: this course brings 1.0 ECTS to students in Paper Sciences Level 1

Conventional teaching conditions :
written exam (1h30) with lecture document authorised. Mobile phones are forbidden
2nd round possible

in degraded conditions :
individual remote written exam, with documents, to be done during a period of 1h30. The written exam (pdf) will be deposited on Chamilo by the student in a folder and during a period given by the teacher

note = note du DS


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 7

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FMT1053
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS


CLARK E.D. [et al.] Les fibres secondaires. Trois-Rivières, Québec : Cégep de Trois-Rivières, 1991.
GÖTTSCHING L., PAKARINEN H. Papermaking science and technology. Book 7, Recycled fiber and deinking. Helsinki : Fapet Oy, 2000.
Revues spécialisées.