Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Technico-economical project - 6FMT3021

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects 24.0
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 3.0


Valorisation of plant biomass by-products for the production of : (i)
Materials, (ii) energy and/or (iii) fine chemicals.


Mohamed Naceur BELGACEM


The aim is to develop a technical and economic project to add value to an agricultural or industrial by-product derived from plant biomass, to design a value-added product and to study the economic viability of the proposed solution.
The project must include the following stages
1. Inventory of the chosen raw material (availability, quantity, etc.);
2. Choice of transformation process based on the target application;
3. Complete technical study;
4. Economic study;
5. Study of the environmental impact of the proposed solution in relation to existing solutions;
6. Study of the economic viability of the proposed solution in relation to existing solutions.


Chemistry of plant biomass ;
Biomass fractionation process


There are 6 deliverables to be sent by e-mail to the responsible professor:
D1: Graphical abstract (deadline: end of Oct)
D2: Porter Diagram (deadline: of November)
D3: Summary of the report (end of November)
D4: intermediate discussion of the report (deadline middle of January)
D5 : Second session on intermediate discussion of the report (end of January)
D6: Final report (not more than 30 pages) (deadline: beginning February 12.00 am)
D7: Final ppt presentation (not more than 15 slides) (deadline: End of the semester)

The report should be organized in 3 main parts:

Part 1: Technical context and scientific state of the art (for non-experts and experts, with numerous visuals, process diagram, chemical formula)
Part 2: Economical analysis of the topic (several tools are expected like: Porter Diagram, benchmarking criteria table, simplified Business Plan on next 5 year, etc.)
Part 3: Conclusion & perspectives (3 scenarii : optimist, pessimist, realist)

Assessment of deliverables: 10%.
Report: 30% of the grade.
Presentation: 40% of the mark (20% for the presentation and 20% for the answers to the questions).
Environmental impact of the proposed solutions: 10%.
Innovative nature of the proposed solution: 10%.

Subject to be made up by providing:
1. A version 2 of the report and
2. A defence of the report 2.

Évaluation des délivrables : 10%.
Rapport : 30% de la note.
Soutenance : 40% de la note (20% pour la présentation et 20% pour les réponses aux questions).
Impact environnemental des solutions proposées : 10%.
Caractère innovant de la solution proposée : 10%.

Matière rattrapable en fournissant :
1. Une version 2 du rapport et
2. Une soutenance du rapport 2.

Assessment of deliverables: 10%.
Report: 30% of the grade.
Presentation: 40% of the mark (20% for the presentation and 20% for the answers to the questions).
Environmental impact of the proposed solutions: 10%.
Innovative nature of the proposed solution: 10%.

Subject to be made up by providing:
1. A version 2 of the report and
2. A defence of the report 2.

The exam is given in english only


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Master Bio2 - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only)

Additional Information

Course ID : 6FMT3021
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


Faire une recherche bibliographique sur les bases de données classiques disponible en ligne au sein de Pagora (Web of Science, Scientific Finder, Google Scholar...)

Utiliser les mots clés suivants :
Chimie de la biomasse végétale ;
Procédés de fractionnement de la biomass végétale.

Perform a bibliographic search on the classic databases available online within Pagora (Web of Science, Scientific Finder, Google Scholar, etc.).

Use the following key words:
Chemistry of plant biomass ;
Biomass fractionation process