
DEEP, Challenge of a Team of Pagora Students

A team of engineering students to make your innovation projects a reality ...

A project to consolidate their know-how ...


5 to 6 3rd year engineering students – students & apprentices – combining the two options:
Fibre and Biomaterials Engineering
& Printed Communication Engineering.


Company, public body, research laboratory


Design and produce demonstrators or prototypes of objects or structures using biomaterials, paper and cardboard, possibly functionalized.
Concrete situation in order to validate the aptitude for innovation management, project management and technical skills related to processed products
Scientific and technical knowledge targeted: resistance (mechanical, optical, aging), printability, shaping, volume
Possibility of advanced technological monitoring

Innovation Prize

2020 - BioSOUND'S wins the Isorg Innovation Prize
2019 - TreePlug wins the Isorg Innovation Prize


Any project concerning the design and production of an object, product or structure that enhances plant biomass.


150 hours per team (September → January)
as part of the Semester Product Company Project
Supervision by tutors, teacher-researchers
Connected workspace
Access to LGP2 scientific equipment
(to define beforehand)


Project agreement signed between the client
and school
Project management (progress meetings)
and innovation management
Life cycle analysis of the product
Deliverables: demonstrator, technology watch report and design file
Assessment: 3 project reviews before a jury
composed of principals and school tutors

Project proposal