Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Printed Communication Engineering

Printed Communication Engineering

From documents editing to packaging printing

The print media sector extends from editing documents to graphic industry and include packaging printing. The purpose of the Printed Communication Engineering option is to train engineers able to solve problems specific to these vast and changing industries.
Spécialisation Ingénierie de la Communication Imprimée

Meet the challenges of the future printing

Strengthen the competitiveness of the company in innovative markets, manage technological developments in the sector, consider the strategies of future business... our future engineers will be able to meet these challenges.
If this training meets the needs of today's printing industry, it is also facing the future print with a high added value.

In addition to the teachings of engineering and business, strengths of Printed Communication Engineering specialty training are broken down into specific modules.


  • Printing processes engineering
  • Materials and color
  • Specialized data processing
  • Engineering of a cross-media campaign (teaching in draft form)
  • Printed electronics
See the course details - Semester 7   See the course details - Semester 8

Core competencies of print communication engineers

A very good knowledge of printing and converting processes, inks and associated media, and a thorough knowledge of the issues relating to the reproduction of the color (colorimetry, color management...) remain the core competencies of engineering of this option.

Diversification printing trade is envisaged through the cross-media, digital printing, personalization, interactive prints and new applications of printing processes, particularly in the context of the printed electronics and smart packaging.

Video introduction


With the support of IRT Nanoelec, which received aid from the French State under the Investments for the Future program, under the reference ANR-10-AIRT-05.