Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Field experience - (end periods3+4) - 3FMA3048

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 30.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To set about a review of the missions carried out or in progress in the company
  • To make a positioning in relation to the competency framework with the tutors (this positioning is part of the agenda of the meeting)
  • To present orally its missions in companies


Frederic MUNOZ


Monitoring and evaluation visit to the company as far as possible and in the presence of the Master Apprentice

  • Assessment of the missions carried out or in progress in the company
  • Positioning in relation to the competency framework with the tutors (this positioning is part of the agenda of the meeting)

Description of the main task within the company, main achievement
At the end of this semester, the apprentices must make an official presentation to the tutors (professional tutors and teacher).
The objective is to summarize the work done in the company (technical implementation and non-technical missions).

The focus here is on an operational assessment: apprentices must synthesize their work in the company

Missions can have a well-established technical foundation; missions of a transversal nature are also welcome as they allow the development of other skills that are just as important in the young person's training.
These subject(s) take place only in the company
The subject(s) are given by the company

Examples of topics:
Topics related to production organization, continuous improvement, safety, training, personnel management...

  • "Implementation of a procedure for changing consumables"
  • "Optimization of a workstation"
  • "Writing a training material for sales representatives"
  • "Creation of a tool for monitoring events on the machine"
  • "Implementation of the "5S" in a manufacturing workshop"
  • "Implementation of a SMED approach"
  • "Writing job descriptions"
  • "Setting up a consignment table"
  • "Update of the Single Document"...


General knowledge
technical and scientific culture
1A course in Pagora

Accessibility for people with disabilities : depends on means and possibilities that exist within the company / to be considered individually and by considering the context existing in the company


In-company evaluation (ideally, if not video-conferencing) by the Master of Apprenticeship and the teacher-tutor

Practical organization: visits are scheduled on a case-by-case basis with the apprentice / master / tutor-school. It is therefore impossible to give a precise date for the entire group of apprentices. The visit can take place at the very beginning of the summer period.

Deliverable = (1)presentation + transparencies (2) "skills" positioning in relation to the PAgora reference framework

1) Presentation and transparencies
This is a progress report because the apprentice spent several months in the company

Evaluation via the apprentice's formal presentation of the progress of his work (summary slide show)

Scoring by the teacher (taking into account the opinion of the Learning Master).

Evaluation criteria: MAPI grid

Removable material: presentation and transparencies to be reworked

2) Assessment of the self-assessment of skills in the presence of the two tutors (document to be formalized for the submission of the report requested at the end of the summer)

How to proceed:
The student looks at the criterated grid corresponding to his period under Chamilo

Then the student proposes the traces and arguments
The student presents his work to his supervisor during an interview
The supervisor validates or reassesses the levels achieved of the skills worked
The supervisor fills in the Excel file for the follow-up in Schooling

Apprentices must make an official presentation + slides
this step is evaluated according to the "MAPI" criteria

In addition, students must do a self-positioning related to the competency matrix.
This step is mandatory but not evaluated: the objective is to identify relevant points or paths to follow for the next future.

La note de soutenance et de suivi sera enregistrée uniquement si le bilan de compétences à été réalisé.


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 6

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FMA3048
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

En entreprise, les apprentis respectent les consignes QSE en vigueur