Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 11.0
Learning outcomes:
- Present the role, organization and operation of the maintenance department of a company through a stay in the department ;
- Implement the deployment tool of the quality function;
- Use tools and techniques of problem solving;
- Work in groups on case studies in a limited time frame.
For the learning masters and their colleagues present during the "maintenance and continuous improvement" day):
- Address concrete problems (case studies) and obtain, if necessary, new avenues of investigation;
- Enrich the discussion with testimonials and additional technical details.
Three independent parts:
1) Visit in the maintenance department:
Each apprentice has to schedule a visit in the maintenance department of his/her company (at the latest during the period of February-March) and write a report including the following points
- staffing levels
- activities
- hierarchical link, link with production
- planning and organization, formalized procedures
- indicators for the management and performance of the maintenance activity
- skills, security clearance, staff training
- subcontracting and warranty contracts
- tools available: workshop, measuring equipment, etc.
2) Individual QFD:
Taking into account the satisfaction of customers' needs is one of the necessary conditions to obtain an ISO 9001 certification. The QFD approach allows to convert these needs into technical specifications.
The work consists in building a QFD listing
- the hierarchical needs of the customers
- the technical specifications allowing to answer them,
- the correlations between these first two items,
- the technical difficulties associated with the specifications,
- the correlations between specifications, if any (roof of the house)
- the defects associated with the prioritized expectations (right side of the matrix).
This work is done individually within the company of each apprentice, in partnership with the tutor and/or the person in charge of quality. It requires a visit to the company's quality department, or in the company of the competent contacts on this subject if there is no such department. The visit must therefore be scheduled during the February-March period at the latest.)
All the information contained in the QFD will remain confidential and will not be distributed under any circumstances.
The apprentice will have to define the clients (who can be internal clients if the context and the criticality of their expectations lend themselves to it).
Their expectations and the importance of these expectations can be established from (validated) customer complaints, or from existing specifications.
The specifications to meet these expectations may already be in place, may be the result of group work on an improvement project, or may be the result of the apprentice's own thinking.
3) Maintenance and continuous improvement day:
The day addresses several concrete, documented problems. These problems may concern maintenance, product quality (anomalies, irregularities), or the implementation of a process. They can be of a technical or organizational nature but require technical knowledge. Each problem will be presented in its context, answering the questions Who, What, Where, When, How, How much, Why (5W2H)? The presentation can be based on samples and/or records (traces of measurements, controls, adjustments).
For this purpose, we call upon the apprentices and masters of apprenticeship who volunteer to share an experience of problems encountered (solved or not) in order, firstly, to lead a work group to establish a diagnosis (probable causes) and, secondly, to complete this diagnosis by testifying to the approach adopted internally and, if necessary, to the resolution of the problem.
Masters of apprenticeship and their colleagues present during the "maintenance and continuous improvement" day will thus be able to 1. discuss concrete problems (case studies) and obtain, if necessary, new axes of investigation; 2. enrich the debate with testimonies and additional technical details.
Based on the answers to the 5W2H questions, the search for causes and then solutions can be based on the 5 M method or any other diagnostic tool.
Each working group will present its conclusions, hypotheses and lines of investigation in a maximum of 6 slides.
If time allows, a half-day of practice in problem-solving tools (case study) will be offered in January or February (Thursday afternoon).
Course of the day (health constraints permitting):
8:30-8:45: welcome
8.45am-9.15am: presentation of the cases proposed by the companies
9:15-10:15: work sessions in small groups
10:15-10:30: break
10:30-11:30: working sessions
11h30-12h : informal presentation of the methodologies used by each group to the teachers in charge (in order to rectify the approach if necessary)
12h-13h : lunch
1pm-2:30pm : preparation of the presentations
2:30-4:30 pm: presentation of the results
4:30-5:00 pm: debriefing, assessment
The apprenticeship masters, or any person likely to bring clarifications on a given problem, will be able, if they cannot be present at this day, to connect by videoconference to work with the apprentices who deal with the problem.
Evaluation: the functioning of the group, the methodology used, the respect of the specifications, the quality of the presentation and the answers to the questions will allow the teachers in charge to give a grade to the members of each group.
Apprentices who have brought a problem to solve may, if the problem lends itself to it, also play the role of facilitator or expert: their evaluation will take this additional service into account.
The current health constraints will be applicable and may modify the format of this day. The problem-solving sequences can therefore be held at a distance if necessary.
PrerequisitesQuality & management" course (4FMT1140).
Accessibility for people with disabilities: consult us
1) Visit in the maintenance department:
Report of no more than 3 pages (font size 12, single spaced), due in hard copy and electronically by a pre-determined date.
The document is submitted to the instructor in paper and digital format (deposit on the Chamilo platform) by a deadline.
This document is not graded.
2) Individual QFD:
Submission of a report including the "quality house" (excel file) and associated explanations/interpretations. The document is given to the teacher in paper and digital format (deposit on the Chamilo platform) before a deadline.
The N1 grade of the report represents 30% of the final grade.
This can be made up in case of justified non submission of the report.
3) "Maintenance and continuous improvement" day:
Each working group presents its conclusions, hypotheses and lines of investigation in 6 slides. This presentation is evaluated. The N2 grade represents 70% of the final grade. This grade cannot be made up in case of absence.
N = 0.3*N1 + 0.7*N2
1) QFD individuel/individual QFD :
La note tient compte du respect du cahier des charges et de la forme (orthographe, style).
2) Journée maintenance et amélioration continue :
La note prendra en compte le respect du cahier des charges, le fonctionnement du groupe, la méthodologie, la présentation et la réponse aux questions.
Les apprentis ayant apporté un problème à résoudre pourront, si le problème s’y prête, jouer également le rôle d’animateur ou d’expert : leur évaluation tiendra compte de cette prestation supplémentaire.
N = 0.3*N1 + 0.7*N2
1) Individual/individual QFD :
The score takes into account compliance with the specifications and form (spelling, style).
2) Maintenance and continuous improvement day:
The grade will take into account adherence to the specifications, group functioning, methodology, presentation and response to questions.
Apprentices who have brought a problem to be solved may, if the problem lends itself to it, also play the role of facilitator or expert: their evaluation will take this additional service into account.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 8
Course ID : 4FMA2142
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Environmental security
Pas de contrainte dans le déroulement de cette journée, si ce n'est d'intégrer la sécurité et l'environnement aux réflexions des groupes de travail.
Les enseignements ont lieu dans des salles de cours ou des salles informatiques.
Penser à éteindre ordinateurs et lumières en quittant la salle.
No constraint during this day, but safety and environment issues may be assessed by the working groups as they are trying to solve a problem.
Teaching takes place in classrooms.
Turn off computers and lights when leaving the classroom or computer room.
Identique à celle des cours prérequis.
Identical to that of the prerequisite courses.
Certains éléments bibliographiques sont disponibles sur le site Internet Chamilo / some bibliographic elements are available on the Chamilo Web site :