Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Professionnal project - 3FME3040

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 30.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To begin/pursue reflective work on your assets, skills and aspirations
  • To better know your profile
  • To identify your skills
  • To study the engineering professions in the sectors covered by Pagora and develop a first version of a professional project.


Frederic MUNOZ, Jocelyne ROUIS


Based on job offers, Interviews simulations are organized
Students are also asked to elaborate their own portfolio
Additionnally, conferences can be programmed (depending on the circumstances)
Discover engineer's job and develop a personnal professionnal project

To begin/pursue reflective work on your assets, skills and aspirations
To better know your profile and identify your skills, compare yourself with the Pagora Engineer's Competency Framework

To study the engineering professions in the sectors covered by Pagora and work on his professional project.

  • writing a CV, a digital page and a cover letter
  • interview conduct
  • definition its paths for vocational guidance and develop the associated strategy

This activity includes:

  • interview simulations in order to train, to get to know each other better, to know each other better, to know each other
  • a session "knowledge of personality profiles and typologies" (JAIME)
  • work sessions on cover letters, CVs, digital profiles (Career Center, Linkdln, etc.)

Conferences can be scheduled during the year (depending on the possibilities).

The system also includes the following:

  • an information point for 1Es on learning in 2 years
  • a testimony from the 2As to the 1Es at the end of the year.




Evaluations on the basis of:

  • interview simulations with cover letter and CV are noted (without letter and CV, the interview cannot take place)
  • the evaluation of the work done on the JobTeaser platform or other online tool (Linkdln...)

Material can be made up for.

The Link to freely access your digital profile must be sent to the responsible teachers before 6/01/2020 at noon (if the site is not accessible then a screenshot or a hard copy is tolerated)

The letter and CV must be submitted on Chamilo before 5/03/2020:
Name your file as follows: "CV-name", "letter-name"

score = (simulation score + portfolio score)/2

Note = moyenne(évaluation du CV, évaluation de la lettre de motivation, évaluation de l'entretien, évaluation du profil numérique, évaluation du texte personnel d'analyse et de positionnement)

Pour chaque étape, le retard sur les livrables entraîne des pénalités :

  • 1 jour de retard = -1 point sur l'évaluation de l'étape
  • si retard > 7 jours alors note de l'étape = 0
    Le retard justifiés (ex : arrêt maladie avec justificatif) seront pris en compte pour ne pas pénaliser l'élève.


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 6

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FME3040
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

Déroulement de l’enseignement en salle de cours standard.
Sécurité : RAS
Environnement : RAS


Sites Web des entreprises, annuaires professionnels, sites des fédérations professionnelles, etc.