Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period apprentices - 4FMA3087/3097

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 50.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To carry out a project in a company at the engineering assistant level
  • To gain autonomy in decision-making
  • To work in a team and report back
  • To analyze the consideration of SD and CSR aspects in companies with a benevolent eye
  • To write a technical project report
  • To carry out a skills assessment and self-assess
  • To think about its own decision-making in relation to its own personality


Frederic MUNOZ


Deliverable: formal presentation (powerpoint given on the day of the defense)

The presentation must include the following slides:

  • reminder of the company's context (1 transparent)
  • presentation of 2 significant missions: context and objective / work carried out / results, perspectives (3 transparencies per mission presented)
  • 1 free transparent
  • 1 Annex: position to date in relation to the Pagora skills grid (the annex is given in the file provided but not presented at the meeting because it would take too long).

The presentation can be enriched with any other support (ex: samples, diagrams in the table...)
Films and videos must be limited to a maximum of 1 min.
Unless confidentiality is a concern, the presentation takes place in the presence of the other apprentices (each student must anticipate this point with his or her superiors)

  • Realization of a synthesis of the missions in the company and their progress to date
  • Sharing with other apprentices, learning from others and their experience
  • Positioning in relation to Pagora's competency framework

The missions to be carried out during the summer must be adapted to 1st year students: students can work in the reel, in the laboratory, within the maintenance teams...


General knowledge
technical and scientific culture
1A and 2A courses in Pagora

Accessibility for people with disabilities : depends on means and possibilities that exist within the company / to be considered individually and by considering the context existing in the company


  • Specific credits: this course brings 100.0 ECTS to students in UE271A - Professionnal projects S7

Evaluation of the presentation according to the MAPI grid

Defence: 20 min max + questions / answers

IMPORTANT: upon his return to Pagora, the apprentice must achieve a positioning in relation to the skills reference system. Failure to comply with this instruction results in the non-validation of the entire activity and the return to session 2. This positioning must be discussed and approved by the teacher-tutor
NB: The proof can be a copy certified by the tutor, a word signed by the tutor, a copy of a synthesis screen signed by the tutor...

How to proceed:
The student looks at the criterated grid corresponding to his period under Chamilo

Then the student proposes the traces and arguments
The student presents his work to his supervisor during an interview
The supervisor validates or reassesses the levels achieved of the skills worked
The supervisor fills in the Excel file for the follow-up in Schooling.

Note = note de la présentation
pénalité de 10 % si le travail sur les compétences n'est pas remis


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 7

Additional Information

Course ID : 4FMA3087/3097
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

En entreprise, les apprentis respectent les consignes QSE en vigueur