Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period year 1 apprentices - 3FMA3050

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 30.0


Learning outcomes :

  • To formalize and complete the synthesis work carried out during the follow-up visit
  • To write a report presenting the missions in the company


Frederic MUNOZ


to make a synthesis of a long training period in the company (summer)
the target is to discover the basics activities within the company and the shift labor
the missions to be completed during the summer must be adapted to 1st year students : students may work at the winder, at the laboratory, within maintenance teams …
On the basis of the feedback from the monitoring visit and on the basis of what has been done in the company, the apprentice is invited to write a summary report in which a "competence" point will also appear (skills seen on each mission or competence via an overall assessment)

Delivery before August 15 (sent directly to the tutors)

Tips for writing:

  • locate the context and objectives of the missions presented (for the company / for the student). These may be technical or non-technical missions
  • describe progress, results (for the company / for the student)
  • provide the elements so that the external reader can understand (including any vocabulary elements specific to the company)
  • it may be considered to deal only with the main missions
  • it is possible to consider not following a chronological order and favour another logic (e.g. business or process logic)
  • do not hesitate to use the Annexes to show very detailed points (complete calculations, complete plans, etc.)
  • comply with good drafting practices:
  • to do: pagination, summary, table and graph reference, add units to quantities
  • plagiarism is not allowed, citation yes (clearly identified and referenced)
  • only present what you can explain.


general knowledge, technical knowledge
1A course in Pagora

Accessibility for people with disabilities : depends on means and possibilities that exist within the company / to be considered individually and by considering the context existing in the company


Evaluation by the teacher-tutor on the basis of the MAPI grid

report and oral presentation
Removable material (report to be repeated if of insufficient quality)

La note correspond à la note du rapport de stage
En cas de non respect de la date de rendu, alors note=0/20


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 6

Additional Information

Course ID : 3FMA3050
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

Environmental security

En entreprise, les apprentis respectent les consignes QSE en vigueur