Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period year 3: mid-term evaluation - 5FMT3056

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 15.0


Report on the progress of the project carried out during the PFE through a presentation and a report.

Objective of the PFE: to carry out a scientific and technical project in a professional context, a project that implements the learning acquired during the Pagora course and demonstrates the skills expected for the diploma.




The mid-term review allows for a formalised progress report on the project. The expected outputs for the EFP are :

  • Mid-term report: the report must contain at least the following elements: introduction, presentation of the company, contexts, issues and objectives of the project, methods implemented and results obtained, action plan and prospects for the end of the EFP. This report allows the educational tutor to give the necessary feedback on the level of the mid-term report in relation to the expectations of the final report.
  • Oral presentation of the project (technical defence) in the presence of the industrial tutor. The presentation will formally present the project and its progress. It will highlight the same elements as the report and will open the discussion on the next steps and the blocking points.
  • Skills assessment: oral presentation of the skills enabling the final assessment to be made. This is an essential element to be carried out in addition to the technical presentation, as it will highlight the skills and enable the company tutor to give feedback to the educational tutor.

Assessment to be carried out during an on-site visit (to be preferred) or by video-conference if the visit is impossible.


The report and the technical defence will be marked on the basis of the final evaluation grid of the EFP (FOR-628-RF) and the MAPI reference framework (FOR-625-RF).

No mark will be given for the skills assessment presentation.

Moyenne de la note de soutenance et de rapport à mi-parcours / Average of the defence and mid-term report marks


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 10
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 10

Additional Information

Course ID : 5FMT3056
Course language(s): FR

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