Pagora rubrique Formation 2022

Training period year 3: Report - 5FMT3036

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 15.0


Report on the project conducted during the EFP.

Objective of the PFE: to carry out a scientific and technical project in a professional context, a project that implements the learning acquired during the Pagora course and demonstrates the skills expected for the diploma.




The Final Year Project is the culmination of the initial training. The project lasts 5 months (20 weeks) and must begin at the end of semester 9, in February, except in exceptional and justified cases (double degrees in particular).

For students with STUDENT status: The end-of-study projects are tripartite projects between the school/host structure/students and are proposed to the school and circulated to the students by the educational managers. They must be validated by the educational and industrial partnership managers who can then promote the school and the partnership agreement to companies.
Personal approaches in this context are not recommended as they may not lead to the agreement: the student must inform the managers very quickly if he/she wishes to work in a particular company.

For students with ALTERNANT status: The project is proposed by the company and validated by the educational manager.


The report must present the project carried out throughout the EFP, highlighting the Method, Analysis, Pedagogy and the spirit of Innovation (or initiative). The different parts of the project are left to the discretion of the future engineer. The poster will be added to the annexes of the report.

The report should be presented stapled and without transparent cover or cardboard and printed on both sides. Colour should also be avoided unless the subject matter dictates otherwise. Use standard fonts (Calibri, Times, Arial, etc.), size 11, line spacing 1.15.
The manuscript of approximately 40 pages (plus any annexes) must include, in addition to the project description

  • a standard cover page to be downloaded from the intranet: Section [Training \ Documents or \PFE] or from chamilo
  • a back page with a 10-line summary and 3-6 key words on the back cover (in English and French).

An A3 poster should be produced. This poster should present a summary of the project according to the template to be downloaded from Chamilo or the intranet. The PDF file of the poster must be uploaded on Chamilo in the dedicated space. The poster should present the project in a non-confidential way as it allows to illustrate the types of EFP work carried out by the students.
2 colour printed copies, 1 A3 and 1 A4, of the poster must be submitted with the report.


  • 4 paper copies of the manuscript must be handed in to the school before the date specified in the pedagogical calendar published on the intranet (towards the end of June for students, towards the end of August for apprentices). The manuscripts will then be distributed by the school to each member of the jury, the rapporteur and the school tutor.
  • 1 paper copy of the PFE manuscript for the company.
  • 1 paper copy of the PFE manuscript for the student.

The PFE manuscript must be submitted in electronic format (PDF required) on Chamilo in the dedicated space.
For the confidential PFE, it is essential to mention it on the top right cover page, they will then be deposited in the "PFE confidential" folder.

Case of PFE carried out abroad or for a non-French speaking company:
The PFE dissertation and the poster can be written in English. In this case the introduction, the conclusion and the back page with a 10-line summary with 3-6 key words must be written in English AND in French. The defence is conducted in French (possibility of presenting slides in English). In certain cases, the defence may be conducted in English, after acceptance by the Director of Studies, at the explicit request of the apprenticeship master or school tutor.

The final version of the manuscript and poster must be submitted to the company before being handed in to the school. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the student submits both documents to his/her school tutor for correction.


Validation of the first 5 semesters at Pagora

Accessibility for people with disabilities: in line with the provisions implemented in the host company / to be seen on a case by case basis with the employer


A reviewer, appointed by the Direction of Studies in consultation with the Heads of options, examines the manuscript to assess the quality of the presentation (structuring, conciseness, clarity, bibliography, etc.) in accordance with FOR-628-RF and proposes a mark from 0 to 20. Each jury president will be responsible for collecting and approving the marks of the rapporteurs in consultation with the other jury members and the educational tutor. The mark validated by the jury will be sent to the school at the end of the examination.

The evaluation includes the form of the report (spelling, plan, captions, units, etc.), the quality of the poster and the quality of the presentation of the project.
A report that is not handed in on time is given a mark of 0.
A report that is below expectations (= insufficient or not validated) is given a mark of 0.

Report retaken in session 2

Note de rapport / Report mark


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Student - Semester 10
  • Curriculum - Pagora Engineer - Apprentice - Semester 10

Additional Information

Course ID : 5FMT3036
Course language(s): FR

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